2,450 L


    Missha Dust Off Cleansing Oil is a deep cleansing hydrophilic oil that thoroughly removes all types of dirt: dust, make-up of any durability, primers, tonal and sun protection products, excess sebum. It helps to restore the hydro-lipid balance and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, does not provoke dryness and inflammation.

    Thanks to its hydrophilic formula, the oil is able to penetrate deep into the pores, attract all fat-soluble impurities to itself, and then, mixing with water, turn into an emulsion and dissolve them. Especially effective for fighting blackheads and lightening sebaceous filaments.

    The patented Pollustop® formula was created specifically for residents of megacities, has a pronounced antioxidant property, removes all impurities. Strengthens barrier functions and protects against aggressive environmental influences.

    Main active ingredients:

    • Soybean oil strengthens cellular immunity, improving overall health and helping to create a natural protective barrier on the skin.
    • Chamomile oil has a pronounced moisturizing and tonic effect. Perfectly soothes, relieves irritation, eliminates dryness and peeling.
    • Sweet almond oil has an antimicrobial and antioxidant effect, eliminates peeling, dryness and irritation. Helps to smooth out small wrinkles, smooth out the microrelief, improve skin turgor, enhance collagen synthesis.
    • Tea tree oil has a strong antimicrobial effect. It fights clogging of pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the production of skin sebum, and reduces oily sheen.
    • Sunflower oil intensively nourishes, softens and smoothes, slows down aging, saturates with vitamins, strengthens the protective barrier.
    • Orange peel oil normalizes the hydro-lipid balance, increases elasticity, gives smoothness, evens out the microrelief, relieves muscle tension, gently whitens, brightens pigmentation, and detoxifies.


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